The Hindu Mythology is filled with mysterious events. These mysterious events are sure to surprise you all !!! So, one of the most interesting event is the one of the churning of the ocean. The churning of the ocean was one of central events in the hindu mythology, this expression refers to the ever contunuing struggle (battle) between the devas (gods) and the asuras (demons). Both of them, were eagerly fighting for the Nectar of Immortality (Amrit), which would give them the power to live forever. In order to suceed, Brahma (The Creator) advised the gods to use the "Mount Meru" as the churning stick and the serpent "Vasuki" as the rope that turns the churning stick. The churning process lasted 100 divine years. At last, a divine physician appeared out of the ocean with a pot of Amrit or Ambrosia. Finally, the devas (gods) won and the nectar was given to Vishnu for safe keeping.

What a wonderful myth!The whole Hindu culture is magnificent!