The Mahabharata is one of the two major Sanskrit religious epics of ancient India, the other being the Ramayana. The Mahabharata was one of the two most important factors that created the "Hindu" culture of India, and the Mahabharata and Ramayana still exert tremendous cultural influence throughout India and Southeast Asia. The epic is part of the Hindu "history", and forms an important part of Hindu mythology. With about one hundred thousand verses, long prose passages, and about 1.8 million words in total, the Mahabharata is the longest epic poem in the world.Its discussion of human goals takes place in a long-standing tradition, attempting to explain the relationship of the individual to society and the world.
The Mahabharata tells the story of two sets of paternal first cousins - the five sons of the deceased king Pandu, the five Pandavas and the one hundred sons of blind King Dhritarashtra - who became bitter rivals, and opposed each other in war for possession of the ancestral Bharata kingdom with its capital in the "City of the Elephants," Hastinapura , on the Ganga river in north central India.
The historical importance of the Mahabharata is not the main reason to read the Mahabharata। Quite simply, the Mahabharata is a powerful and amazing text that inspires awe and wonder। It presents sweeping visions of the cosmos and humanity and intriguing and frightening glimpses of divinity in an ancient narrative that is accessible, interesting, and compelling for anyone willing to learn the basic themes of India's culture. The Mahabharata definitely is one of those creations of human language and spirit that has traveled far beyond the place of its original creation and will eventually take its rightful place on the highest shelf of world literature.
The Mahabharata tells the story of two sets of paternal first cousins - the five sons of the deceased king Pandu, the five Pandavas and the one hundred sons of blind King Dhritarashtra - who became bitter rivals, and opposed each other in war for possession of the ancestral Bharata kingdom with its capital in the "City of the Elephants," Hastinapura , on the Ganga river in north central India.
The historical importance of the Mahabharata is not the main reason to read the Mahabharata। Quite simply, the Mahabharata is a powerful and amazing text that inspires awe and wonder। It presents sweeping visions of the cosmos and humanity and intriguing and frightening glimpses of divinity in an ancient narrative that is accessible, interesting, and compelling for anyone willing to learn the basic themes of India's culture. The Mahabharata definitely is one of those creations of human language and spirit that has traveled far beyond the place of its original creation and will eventually take its rightful place on the highest shelf of world literature.
Hattoun and Valentine
hmm... the description of this national poem seems intresting...Also you can gain much experience from reading and trying to understand what message is trying to pass through